March 11, 2024
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Sales Qualified Leads Strategies: Why Most Businesses Get It Wrong

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Toppling giants; that's the game in sales qualified leads strategies. Just like David slaying Goliath, the underdog can triumph - but only if armed with the right strategy. Sadly, most businesses are flinging pebbles aimlessly. They're misfire after misfire leaves them buried beneath crushing disappointments.

More than 80% of B2B marketers admit their lead generation strategies are ineffective. Like trying to catch a fish using a bird's nest - they simply have the wrong tools. Buckle up because this isn't just about understanding why most companies get it wrong but rather, equipping you with the stone - the right strategy - that fells the giant towering over your sales goals. Your sales team’s success is totally within reach. Let’s dig in.

How to Increase Your Sales Qualified Leads: The Right Approach

  • Understanding your target audience helps define an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).
  • Lead scoring assists in identifying Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs).
  • Quality leads may be drawn in with effective content marketing strategies.

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Customer Profile

Knowing who your target audience is a crucial part of business strategy. It influences how you design your products or services, price them, promote them, and even where you distribute them. 

To ensure you're reaching the right leads, it's important to create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). An ICP essentially outlines the key characteristics and behaviors of your best potential customers - those who are not just likely to buy, but to stay, grow, and advocate for your company. 

When defining your ICP, factors such as company size, industry, budget, geographical location, goals/pain points and buying behavior among others, should be considered. This gives you a comprehensive understanding of who you should target, helping to increase the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Step 2: Implement Lead Scoring

Once you've defined your ICP, the next step is to implement lead scoring. This is a systematic approach to rank your leads based on their level of engagement with your company and their fit with your ICP. 

The factors to consider when scoring leads can range from demographic information and professional details, to behavioural signals and online activity. Lead scoring helps in prioritising your leads, allowing your sales team to focus their efforts on those most likely to convert into customers.

An important point to note here is that lead scoring is not a 'set it and forget it' type of system. It requires regular revisitation and revision as your company grows and as market conditions change.

Step 3: Use Content Marketing to Attract Quality Leads

The role of content marketing in attracting potential clients cannot be understated. When done right, it can be an incredibly effective way to attract potential SQLs. Content marketing isn't just about driving traffic - it’s about establishing your brand as a trusted expert and educating your audience about your product, steering them towards a purchase decision.

Artifact Uprising, for instance, uses blog posts and Instagram to provide creative inspiration to their audience. Their audience typically consists of photographers, both amateur and professional, who look to Artifact Uprising for not just high-quality print products, but also for ideas and tips on improving their craft. 

Let's look at some examples.

Example: Creating a series of in-depth guides that address specific pain points or questions your ideal customer has. For instance, a B2B software company could publish a comprehensive guide on improving workflow efficiency using their tool.

Impact: Such content not only showcases your expertise but also directly speaks to the needs of your potential SQLs, drawing them closer to your solution.

Example: Producing tutorial videos or case studies that demonstrate the real-world application and benefits of your product. A compelling case study video of a successful client can act as a powerful testimonial to sway prospects.

Impact: Video content can significantly increase engagement and retention rates, providing a more dynamic way to connect with your audience.

Interactive Tools and Resources

Example: Offering interactive tools, like cost calculators or product configurators, that help potential customers understand how your service or product fits their unique needs.

Impact: Interactive content not only enhances user engagement but also provides personalised value, making your offering more tangible to the prospect.

Example: Conducting educational webinars that tackle current industry challenges or offer skill development related to your product or service. These sessions can also include interactive Q&A segments.

Impact: Webinars position your brand as a thought leader and provide a direct platform for engaging with potential SQLs in a meaningful way.

Converting Sales Qualified Leads into Customers: Proven Strategies

  • Discover why personalising your sales approach boosts conversion.
  • Learn the role of CRM tools in managing and converting SQLs.

Personalise Your Sales Approach

Sales is more than just selling a product. It's about creating a connection between the seller and the buyer. And one way to do that is by personalising your sales approach. 

According to McKinsey, personalization has become more crucial than ever, with consumers expecting personalised interactions from companies. Those businesses that excel in personalization can generate 40% more revenue from these efforts than their peers.

Statistics compiled by Outgrow highlight that personalised emails deliver six times higher transaction rates, and 89% of digital businesses are investing in personalised content.

  Personalization in sales ensures that your sales pitches are specially tailored to cater to the needs and demands of your leads. An impersonal approach can make prospects feel disconnected from the product or the brand, making it harder to convert them into buyers.

How to Personalise Sales Pitches

There are various ways to personalise your sales pitches:

  1. Understand your buyer's persona: This involves understanding your clients' needs, behaviours, and preferences. This can help you adjust your language, tone, and sales approach to resonate better with them. 
  2. Use their name: Adding your prospect’s name in your sales pitch creates a connection between you two and shows them you value them as individuals, not just potential sales.
  3. Highlight how your product or service meets their needs: This goes beyond selling the features of your product. Show them how it can solve their problems or improve their lives.

Leverage CRM Tools

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is an essential asset to a sales team. It helps manage, organise, and track interactions with potential and existing customers.

Here's a summary of the key statistics and insights from various sources:

Increased Sales and Productivity: CRM software can significantly boost sales, with Salesforce reporting that CRM can increase sales by up to 29%. Furthermore, sales productivity can rise by up to 34% thanks to CRM, demonstrating its impact on efficiency and revenue generation​​​​.

High ROI: The return on investment (ROI) from CRM systems is compelling. Nucleus Research highlights an average ROI of $8.71 for every dollar spent on CRM in 2014, with Dynamic Consultant Group estimating the average ROI could be around $30.48 considering a consistent increase over the years. Moreover, CRM technology can exceed a 245% ROI when properly implemented​​.

Improved Customer Experience and Retention: CRM tools are pivotal in enhancing customer experience, with 74% of organizations noting CRM software leads to improved customer satisfaction. Additionally, social CRM can boost customer retention by 26%, indicating the value of integrating CRM with social media strategies​​​​.

Market Growth and Adoption Rates: The CRM market is experiencing significant growth, expected to reach $81.9 billion by 2025. Adoption rates are also high, with 91% of companies with more than 11 employees using a CRM system. This widespread adoption underscores the essential role of CRM in modern business operations​​.

Cloud and Mobile CRM: The shift towards cloud-based CRM solutions is notable, with 87% of companies using cloud CRM as of 2017. Mobile CRM is also gaining traction, with 65% of companies with mobile CRM achieving their sales quotas, highlighting the importance of accessibility and flexibility in CRM usage​​.

AI Integration: AI is set to revolutionize CRM further, with predictions that AI will add $1.2 trillion to the revenues of companies using CRM between 2017 and 2021. AI integration in CRM can automate tasks, create predictive models, and improve overall CRM effectiveness, contributing to job creation and enhanced CRM capabilities​​.

  With a CRM tool, businesses can keep track of their SQLs, ensuring that no potential sale falls through the cracks. They also provide valuable insights, such as customer behaviour and preferences, which can be used to refine your sales approach.

Examples of CRM Tools

  1. Salesforce: Salesforce CRM facilitates businesses to efficiently manage their sales, marketing, and customer support facets. 
  2. HubSpot CRM: HubSpot CRM is a feature-rich tool that provides businesses with a 360-degree view of their SQLs. 
  3. Zoho CRM: Zoho CRM tool is designed to attract, retain and satisfy customers to grow your business.

Gaining expertise over these tools will help businesses to turn SQLs into customers successfully.

Understanding Sales Qualified Leads: The Basics

  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) is a prospective customer that has been researched and vetted -firstly by Marketing, then by Sales- and is deemed ready for the next stage in the sales process.
  • Differentiating between Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) is crucial for enhancing targeting strategies.

What are Sales Qualified Leads?

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) aren't the usual leads. They represent potential customers who have expressed interest in your company's product or service, have been vetted by both the marketing and sales teams, and are on the brink of making a purchase. SQLs are thus pivotal for your sales process—it is these potential customers that your salespeople will directly communicate with, in their efforts to convert leads into customers.

To further emphasize, SQLs are those potential customers who've successfully journeyed through the marketing and sales funnel—from recognizing the need for your service to expressing billet-doux for your offerings. 

The Difference Between Marketing Qualified Leads and Sales Qualified Leads

While the terms MQLs and SQLs are both designations for potential customers in the sales pipeline, they describe different stages in the buyer's journey. 

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a lead who has engaged with your marketing team's efforts but isn't ready to receive a sales call. An MQL could be a website visitor who fills out a web form, watches a detailed product video, signs up for a webinar, or engages in other meaningful interactions that indicate interest in your product.

On the other hand, a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a prospective customer who has not only shown interest in what you offer but is ready for direct sales follow up. They've seen your product in action, they've evaluated how it can benefit them, and they want to hear more. 

Understanding this difference is critical for businesses because it allows for effective segmentation and enhances the probability of conversion. Recognizing the difference helps the marketing team more effectively qualify leads before passing the baton to the sales team for follow-up, creating a more seamless transition and enhancing the user experience with your brand.

In the sales game, not all leads are created equal. Yeah, every lead matters. But a SQL, now that's the real deal. Identifying SQLs should be your top priority and an ongoing process. Remember, they have a significant role in your sales process—hence, it's crucial to understand it before moving further down the sales pipeline.

Lead Qualifying Strategies: How to Identify Potential SQLs

  • Unmask potential SQLs using behavioral triggers
  • Leverage Predictive Analytics to pinpoint potential SQLs
  • Build efficiency in your lead generation process with the right tools

Use Behavioral Triggers

Understanding the persistent habits of your prospects often uncovers a goldmine of SQL potential. This untapped pool is revealed by studying behavioral triggers which allude to buying intentions.

Behavioral triggers are actions performed by leads that indicate their readiness to make a purchase. These triggers may include repeated website visits, product page views, or handling shopping cart abandonment effectively.

For example, if you have an e-commerce platform, a common behavioral trigger could be customers adding products to their cart but not checking out. This indicates their interest but qualifies their hesitation to buy, making them potential SQLs worth pursuing. 

Then there are leads that download whitepapers, interact with your brand on social media or sign up for your newsletter. All of these behavioral triggers suggest a strong interest in your product and thereby, potential SQLs.

Implement Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics can transform the way you identify your SQLs. By leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence, predictive analytics can foresee customer behavior, making it easier to pinpoint potential SQLs.

For instance, tools such as EverString, Marketo, and Leadspace offer features from predictive scoring to data enrichment. This provides insights into which leads are most likely to become customers, significantly optimizing your lead generation process.

EverString, for example, uses AI to predict and prioritize leads that are most likely to convert. Marketo, on the other hand, offers Automated B2B Predictive Marketing that allows you to score leads based on demographic and behavioral data, while Leadspace uses AI to provide a holistic view of your customers, helping your sales team engage with them in a meaningful way. 

By understanding your prospects' behavioral triggers and using predictive analytics, you’ll increase the accuracy of your SQL identification process and improve your sales team's efficiency.

Generating Qualified Leads: Tips and Best Practices

Key insights and benefits:

  • Learn to harness the power of social media for generating sales qualified leads
  • Discover how to fine-tune SEO to attract qualified leads
  • Explore the role of email marketing in lead generation

Leverage Social Media

Every fourth person on this planet is using social media. With such immense reach, social media platforms are effective tools to generate qualified sales leads. It enables targeted branding and engagement that can drive potential customers to your website or services.

Specific strategies vary between platforms. LinkedIn lead generation is more focused on professional networking; Facebook and Instagram are better suited for product marketing. A successful example is American Express's 'Small Business Saturday' campaign, which utilized Facebook to not only spread awareness about their initiative but also to generate potential leads.

Use SEO to Attract Qualified Leads

SEO is the ticket to organic web traffic. It's the process of improving your website's visibility for relevant user searches. The higher your pages are ranked in search engine results, the more attention and click-through they are likely to receive from potential leads.

To optimize your content for SEO, prioritize producing quality content with relevant keywords. Ensure your website has clean, efficient code, and leverage backlinks to build authority. Implement a responsive design for optimum mobile experience, since many clients do online research from their phones.

Implement Email Marketing

Many will argue that email marketing is passé, yet it continues to deliver high ROI for businesses. With the ability to target specific segments of your consumer base and provide personalized content, email marketing effectively generates qualified leads.

The success of an email marketing campaign lies in its content and timing. Provide valuable, relevant content that your subscribers will want to read and share. Send emails at optimal times when they're most likely to be read. Zillow, a real estate marketplace, demonstrated this by sending customized property reports to subscribers that brought substantial click-through rates and lead generation.


Acing Your Sales Qualified Leads Strategy

Navigating the maze of sales qualified leads strategies can be daunting. Many businesses falter by either overcomplicating their approach or failing to adequately incorporate customer needs and conversion funnels into their strategy.

You now know the importance of understanding your ideal customer profile, aligning marketing and sales teams, and automating lead scoring processes. Implementing these steps effectively combines into an efficient, tailored sales qualified lead strategy for your company. 

Don't let errors deter you. The path to growth begins, quite simply, by mapping out your ideal customer journey and aligning this to your lead scoring mechanism. Include both explicit and implicit information about your leads, foster strong collaboration between your sales and marketing teams, and use suitable tools for your automation needs, infusing much-needed efficiency into your strategy.

Are you leveraging your perceived customer needs adequately when formulating your lead scoring model? Building your strategy with your customers at its core is a necessary first step toward success in Sales Qualified Leads strategies.

So, put on your mapping hat, get your teams ready for some coordinated action, and power up your processes with automated efficiency. Remember, the key to a powerful sales qualified leads strategy lies at the intersection of simplicity, alignment, and automation.


About the author

B2B growth marketer, team leader, guitar player.

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